How to stop drinking alcohol

How to stop drinking alcohol

We've all had those nights when it feels like the only thing that could make you happy is another drink. You're out with friends and everything seems so boring without alcohol, or maybe you're stuck at home because of work and school and just want to go out.

Anyways, I know it's not easy to stop drinking, but I'm here to tell you that it's possible! Here are some tips on how to start sobering up your life:

Commit to the process.

Commit to the process. If you're serious about change, you need to commit to it fully. If you're only doing this for your partner or family members, then there's probably a better way for them to get their message across than by making demands of you. You'll be much more likely to follow through when the goal is yours and not someone else's.

Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own path towards sobriety and recovery, so don't compare yourself against other people in your life who might be further along than you are or who are taking a different approach entirely (for example: if one person chooses medication but another doesn't). Instead of worrying about how far behind everyone else is on their journey, use that time as an opportunity for self-reflection instead of feeling frustrated by what others are doing differently from how YOU think things SHOULD go!

Tell your loved ones what you're doing.

If you're going to stop drinking, it's important that you let your loved ones know what you're doing. They need to know that as much as they may want to help you, they can't do it alone!

Tell them:

  • You are trying to stop drinking.

  • You need their support.

  • You need their help.

  • You need their patience.

  • Remind them of how much they love and care about you and how much better life will be when this is behind us all!

Understand your triggers and plan ahead.

  • Know your triggers.

  • Plan ahead for situations where you're likely to drink, and find ways to avoid them. If you know there will be alcohol at a work function, for example, then plan ahead by bringing plenty of money for non-alcoholic beverages (and perhaps some snacks). If friends are planning on going out and getting drunk after dinner, see if there’s any way that you can change plans so that it doesn’t involve alcohol—or politely decline the invitation altogether.

  • Plan ahead for situations where you're not likely to drink—and stay busy! Get involved in some kind of activity that's fun, but doesn't involve drinking: join an exercise class; play board games with friends; start a book club; learn how to cook new recipes or learn something new on YouTube! Whatever works best for you!

Wait out your cravings.

When you're trying to stop drinking, it can be easy to think that the best way to deal with cravings is by giving in to them. If a craving hits you, it might seem like getting drunk would be easier than fighting against your urges and waiting for them to pass. But this isn't true! In fact, giving in to a craving only makes it stronger next time around—and over time will lead you back into harmful patterns of drinking.

Instead of thinking about how much fun it would be or how much relief you'd feel if only you could go ahead and drink again right now (or tomorrow), try focusing on something else instead: maybe take a walk around your neighbourhood or do some yoga exercises at home instead? Once those thoughts start up again later on tonight when everyone's asleep and there's nothing else going on...same thing applies as before: focus on something else! Try watching Netflix or reading a book until those thoughts go away instead of giving into temptation by cracking open another beer or glass bottle full of whiskey at midnight while sitting alone in front of the TV screen with nothing else happening except "The Office" reruns playing quietly in the background...

Drink plenty of water.

Drinking water can be a great way to manage the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Your body will feel better when you drink plenty of water, and it's a healthy alternative to the unhealthy things that you have been drinking.

If you think about it, water has many benefits for your health. It helps with digestion, kidney function, weight loss and skin health. It also helps keep your body hydrated – especially if you live in an area where there is less humidity or dry air (like Arizona).

Don't quit cold turkey, gradually decrease how much you drink each day.

Don't quit cold turkey.

This is a really common mistake for people who want to quit drinking. They think, "I'm going to stop drinking tomorrow," and then when it comes time to do it, they realize the task is more daunting than they expected. There are two ways this can go wrong:

  • You'll either binge drink or feel deprived—either way, it's not good for your health!

  • You may relapse into alcoholism in order to cope with your emotions

It's much better if you manage your alcohol consumption gradually, so you can give yourself time to adjust and make sure that quitting actually works out well for you in the long run.

Sleep a lot, sleep deprivation can make you crave a drink

You may have heard that drinking alcohol can make you feel tired, but have you ever wondered why?

It’s because alcohol is a depressant. It slows down your central nervous system (the part of your body that controls automatic functions like breathing) and makes your brain less able to process thoughts or emotions.

People who aren't sleeping enough are more likely to crave drinks because of this. When we sleep, the brain releases chemicals called endorphins which make us feel happier and more relaxed. When we don't get enough sleep, our brains don't produce as many endorphins, so people often turn to other methods of feeling happy again—like drinking alcohol!

Try herbal tea or hot chocolate if you miss the comforting feeling of having something in your hand.

If you miss the comforting feeling of having something in your hand, try herbal tea or hot chocolate. Both can be found at most grocery stores, and they're not alcoholic. Herbal tea is caffeine-free, while hot chocolate has just a little bit—but it's enough to give you a nice boost without making you feel jittery or anxious.

Find a support system, talk to people who understand what you're going through and will help.

In addition to working through the above steps, it's vital to find a support system. Talking with people who understand what you're going through and will help is a great way to stay on track and keep your eye on the prize. If you have friends or family members who are also trying to quit, this could be an excellent option for finding support. It can be helpful to find someone who understands exactly what you're going through so that they can provide encouragement and advice when needed.

If none of these options seem like good fits for you, there are also many online communities where people come together for mutual aid in quitting alcohol. Some examples include:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) -

  • Moderation Management -

Talk to a doctor, they can help with medication that will make it easier to stop drinking.

If you're struggling with alcohol addiction, it's important to talk to your doctor about medication. While medication can't cure the underlying causes of your drinking problem, they can help with the withdrawal process.

Medications that may be prescribed include:

  • Antidepressants can help alleviate cravings and anxiety during withdrawal.

  • Benzodiazepines (benzos) are sedatives that can reduce alcohol cravings by reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. They also help with insomnia symptoms like restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea—two conditions associated with chronic heavy drinking. Though benzos have been abused in the past as recreational drugs, they are often prescribed for short periods of time as part of an overall treatment plan for patients who have trouble sleeping or experiencing anxiety from quitting alcohol cold turkey."

There are many ways to manage alcohol cravings and decrease the discomfort associated with withdrawal and being sober.

There are many ways to manage alcohol cravings and decrease the discomfort associated with withdrawal and being sober.

  • Medication can help with withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor about available options, including non-opioid prescription drugs like gabapentin and duloxetine, which can help reduce anxiety and cravings.

  • Find the right support system. If you're feeling down while trying to stop drinking, talk to people who understand what you're going through—whether it's family members or friends in recovery themselves (or both). You might also consider joining an online support group where people share their experiences dealing with addiction issues on a daily basis; these groups can be helpful resources for anyone struggling with substance use disorders.

  • Get plenty of sleep! Alcohol interferes with restful slumber by disrupting the natural circadian rhythm that regulates sleep cycles throughout the night; this vulnerability increases when quitting cold turkey without tapering off slowly beforehand, so try not sleeping less than seven hours per night until your body adapts again post-sobriety.* Drink lots of water when going through withdrawals from alcohol in order not only keep hydrated but also flush out toxins in order prevent dehydration.* Don't quit cold turkey—gradually decrease how much you drink each day until no longer drinking at all is possible (more info here).


The most important thing for you to remember is that you’re not alone in this. Everyone has their own struggles with alcohol, and there are many ways to manage these cravings and decrease the discomfort associated with withdrawal and being sober. You can find support from your friends or family members, as well as from groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). If all else fails, please see a doctor who can prescribe medications that may make it easier for you to stop drinking

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